Mickey Mouse Shorts...
Since the Mickey Shorts I've been working on for ages have finally started to air, I can show off some examples of the mountains of work we've been making! This is just a tiny bit of the vast amount of work done for every short, but you can get an idea of what was involved. These are posted in order of production, and are all copyrighted by Disney.
It's very exciting to see all the great responses to these shorts. We've certainly been busting our butts on each and every one of them, and the final product (I hope) reflects all the passion and effort. I'll be posting more as the new episodes premiere, so keep checking back for more.
"Croissant de Triomphe"
It's very exciting to see all the great responses to these shorts. We've certainly been busting our butts on each and every one of them, and the final product (I hope) reflects all the passion and effort. I'll be posting more as the new episodes premiere, so keep checking back for more.